Calculation Methodologies
Different methodologies, such as CO2e-GHG, UBP, EIP or even costs, or just different factor sets of one method, typically share a common computation pattern: the input is muliplied by a factor for obtaining an intermediate result, and intermediate results are summed up to get the total.
Some of the methods also have different parts, such as GHG emissions which are defined in terms of Scope 1, 2 and 3. The sum of the parts gives the total for the method.
Instead or repeatedly defining Calculation Indicators for each of these methods and their parts, SERAM provides a generic framework for defining methods, each with their parts and factor sets. Along with the selection of Structures, Time and Indicators, the method is the fourth dimension of computed values.
Permissions per method can be defined, so that the administrator can shoose which user may see and use which method.
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Feature Categories:
- Verifying or Analyzing Data