SERAM release "Baluchi"

Monday, December 9, 2019

A major feature release of SERAM has been deployed.

  • Anonymous Data Entry links for sharing input forms with third parties who do not have a SERAM account.
    This enables the collection of data by people who are not regular SERAM users. The Data Entry form can include an explanatory text and the link can be configured with a limited validity date after which it becomes invalid (and no further changes can be made even if a user has kept the page open).
  • Formulas now support absolute period references, not just relative period references.
    Previously, while it was possible to enter an absolute reference, e.g. "Indicator"(2018), this would be converted to a relative reference because the internal formula representation did not support absolute references. The internal representation has been extended to store the information whether a referene is absolute or relative, so that calculations referring to a "base year" instead of a "previous year" will now be created as expected when copying the period configuration to a new year.
  • Provide common snippets for all name and desription fields.
    A set of snippets can be configured (by default "CO₂", "²", "³", "∑") which is available for insertion when editing name or description fields. This enables users to insert symbols and special characters more easily.
  • The charts in Data Analysis now include completeness information.
    The completeness is shown by using a different symbol (diamond instead of bullet) and shading the symbol. The tooltip also shows the completeness.
  • Full-page exitor for text values.
    By double-clicking the text field of a text indicator value in Data Entry or when editing values in Data Grid, a full-page editor opens with Markdown syntax highlighting.
  • In Data Entry, the comment of the previous value is shown along with the previous value.
    This allows users to see the comment which was entered with the previous value.
  • Include parent structure name in Input Values Excel export.
  • Added "Compute on specific Frequency" to calculations.
    This makes it possible to compute time-dependent multiplications, such as ton-kilometers based on tons shipped and kilometers driven.
  • Extended Factor Indicator functionality to include completeness and the previous value.